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The Thomson Leadership and Innovation Award is a scholarship designed to recruit and support students who are driven to improve the Cayman Islands in areas including, but not limited to, entrepreneurial studies, emerging technologies, design and creative arts and/or the sciences.

The Peter N. Thomson Family Foundation recognises the determination and ambition of students who have thoughtfully crafted dreams to make a difference in the Cayman Islands now and well into the future. The Thomson Leadership and Innovation Award seeks to reward the diligence, creativity, dedication and visions of the country’s most promising and inventive leaders. We seek to inspire scholars to dream big and plan how they will hone skills to bring back a big idea to revolutionize an industry or field in the Cayman Islands. This scholarship is awarded to candidates who are innovators and have a track record of implementing big ideas into successful projects.

To become a Thomson Leadership and Innovation Award scholar, you are a creative thinker and innovator. You have created, lead and/or inspired others to make a measurable impact of change in a community project or in a business. You are passionate and driven to succeed in an emerging field that is underrepresented or wholly not represented in the Cayman Islands, or you desire to bring a completely new perspective to a traditional and longstanding field or industry and require further education to do so.


The Award: 

The award is valued up to a maximum of US$30,000.00 per annum, is renewable within limitations and applicable towards the completion of the course of study.  The award will be paid directly to the institution of study and allocated to the student’s account. The award can be used to fund travel, tuition, student and course fees, course texts, materials and supplies and/or housing/living subsistence on campus.


Information on the Scholarship:

See flyer below for basic information on the scholarship:


How to Apply:

Carefully review the documents below and click the link to the Application Portal:


Apply Here:

Click here.

After completing the Application Form, remember to submit all required documentation to the Application Portal.


Deadline for Submission:

Deadline for submitting applications is Monday, March 10, 2025.



For further information on this scholarship, please e-mail


Previous Recipients: 

2019 : Simon Tatum and Giselle Ebanks
2020 : Carrie McCoy and Le'Bron McLean
2021 : Taneil Lee 
2023 : Ayanna Davis-Eden, Alicia Turner and Jesse Hurlston-Watler                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              



2024 Thomson Award Recipient : Kristen Reid

2024 Thomson Award Recipient : Kristen Reid

Kristen is pursuing a Master's degree in the Theatre MFA Programme at Columbia University School of Arts in New York. Kristen plans to return to the Cayman Islands and help create a cultural hub in the Caribbean for theatre and film.

2024 Thomson Award Recipient : Jaxon Bodden

2024 Thomson Award Recipient : Jaxon Bodden

Jaxon received a scholarship to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida. Jaxon plans to return to the Cayman Islands and pursue his goal of owning a clothing brand and developing graphic design software.